

Professor Emeritus of English & 哲学


  • 苏珊.dunston@shuguangprinting.com
    Available by email but not actively teaching

苏珊Dunston taught English and philosophy at NMT from 1998 to 2016. 她的书, 爱默生 and Environmental Ethics, was inspired in part by her experience teaching environmental ethics and nature 在NMT写作. She co-founded and directed the NMT Women’s Resource Center from 2001-2008. She directed the NMT Writing Center 1998-2000 and 2002-2003. 她的研究兴趣 include 19th century American Literature, the poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo 爱默生, 美洲原住民文学, and philosophy. She is active in the Ralph Waldo 爱默生 Society, having served as president, board member, and program chair. 2020年,她 received the Society’s Distinguished Achievement Award. 有趣的是:前几个 hundred books donated to start the Socorro Public Library were from 爱默生’s daughter-in-law, Annie 爱默生, via her friend Mary who was in Socorro in the early 1920s while her husband (René Engel) was on the Geological staff of NMT.